Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Innovations for helping schools deliver better

Three innovations we would love for HundrED Summit attendees to know about! #hundrEDyouth  #HundrEDSummit2019 #helsinkieducationweek #hundredyouthsummit

Happy Teachers - The Learning Forward India Professional Learning Program focuses on building professional learning communities. The program leverages the best in adult learning, research on organisational change, and practical experience to create capacity for sustained improvements in educators. #HappyTeachers

My Good School - We help our partner schools to work for the personal and social development of an individual by offering an environment where experiential learning is made possible through activities beyond just study. The program helps measure the improvement in student learning at school. #MyGoodSchool

Schools Can Change: Sandeep Dutt, School Improvement Coach and the Founder Learning Forward India partners Karl Clauset for school culture transformation in India. Genuine effective school improvement requires leaders and teachers to be part of a broad-based, creative change system that focuses on generating improved teacher practices for enhancing student learning.

Sandeep Dutt

Dehradun, India
As School Improvement Coach, he focuses on school transformation with an emphasis on culture as a service. With over 30 years of experience as a trainer and mentor, Sandeep has been involved with schools across the country and worked with teachers and students all over the world.

#hundrEDyouth #helsinkieducationweek #hundredyouthsummit

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