Sunday, September 29, 2019

Building Learning Power

Learning power is a phrase coined by Guy Claxton to denote the ability to know what to do when you have not been told what to do.

Courtesy Prof MM Pant
This is very different from the Skinner type behaviourism and programmed learning.

Following a different path, Jeanette Wing had proposed the importance of Computational Thinking as an essential skill for all, not only computer professionals.

And Peter Senge had conceptualised ‘ learning organisations’ and “Schools that learn” as precursors to the present-day algorithms that learn.

Building Learning Power is about:
* Helping young people become better learners
* Developing their portable learning power
* Preparing young people for a lifetime of learning
What is BLP based on?
* An extensive body of research into learning and the brain
* Recent research into the key dimensions of learning power
* Practical trials in schools across the country
* The pioneering work of Professor Guy Claxton, who is programme consultant, and chief inspiration, for TLO’s Building Learning Power program.

How does it work?
Building Learning Power:
* provides a coherent picture of what it takes to be a good learner
* capitalises on previous learning-to-learn ideas
* grows a student’s learning character and habits
* develops the appetite and ability to learn in different ways
* transforms the culture of the classroom and the climate of the school
* shifts responsibility for learning to learn from the teacher to the learner
* engages teachers and students creatively as researchers in learning
* gives schools the opportunity to track students’ learning power

What effect will BLP have?
* raised achievement
* improved behaviour
* increased motivation
* supple learning minds
* increased enjoyment in learning
* established habits of lifelong learning
* enhanced creativity

Resources for knowing more: 

Building learning power:

TEDx talk by Guy Claxton:

What is the point of Schools: Guy Claxton:

Does assessment kill creativity?

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