Sunday, August 25, 2019

Taking Learning Forward : RP Devgan

Rajinder Pal Devgan
Chairman Learning Forward India
Learning Forward India (LFIN) in the last three years has been doing very useful work in schools in India and established itself as a worthy Associate of Learning Forward, USA. Our contributions have been appreciated  Internationally and at this year’s Annual Conference we are to present our original ideas innovation “My Good School - Experiential Learning For All".

LFIN and its educators are bringing in a pleasant and happy change in learning at schools. It is now imperative that we as educators pause to think of the direction we are pursuing. We need to be careful in the use of Technology. It must not be overused and become an obsession. About 140 Waldorf Schools in the USA catering to the children of employees of Apple, Microsoft etc do not allow the use of any gadget in school till the age of 12 years. 

Today when everyone is talking about technology and AI, we must not forget the human factor. Educators as role models must groom children to be good human beings, who bring happiness to others and themselves. Gratitude should be ingrained. Being grateful brings a sense of balance to one’s personality. One’s feet are firmly on the ground. Parents who raise us, deserve that gratitude. 
Our educators must encourage the habit of reading and keeping fit. These two should become a way off life. 

It’s important that children are compassionate, kind and have a care for others. They must also develop a love for the environment and live in harmony with nature. Having lived in Bali, Indonesia for some years, I realise the value of the Balinese philosophy of respecting the elements and living in harmony with nature and fellow human beings. A truly happy and peaceful society.

I hope LFIN will spread this message of happiness, peace and caring through the educators and students. One must remain optimistic about the future and the younger generation. Without neglecting the effort needed for studies, sports and other activities connected to the school curriculum, children can be achievers and bring about a positive change by being good citizens of the world.

I look forward to LFIN spreading the message of Happy learning, Happy teachers through our programmes of "Professional Learning" and "My Good School.” Is Your Child Ready To Face The World?, The Value Of Values and other programs, all add tremendous value to the schools in transformation.

I am optimistic about LFIN bringing a change for the better in the lives of educators and students who come in contact with our programme and do the community and country proud.
With near five decades of experience as an Educationist and having served as a School Leader for schools in India and overseas, Mr Devgan is now working to strengthen Learning Forward India.

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