Friday, August 23, 2019

Reading: First Step Toward Learning - Ajay Vijayvargi

Reading is one of the most vital disciplines in life. Reading, put simply, is the ability to decode words, symbols into something meaningful and is a part of language processing. Reading is a virtue, which can be attributed to every successful person around us and for this reason, it is important that this virtue is developed in students from their early stages, since their childhood.

During the childhood years, when the children are unable to read themselves, parents should be the guiding light and focus on reading out loud, even during the toddler years. Reading out loud should not necessarily be in English but in the most comfortable language of the parent and child and should have different subjects like fiction, non-fiction, of studies and others. This will help students eventually have hands-on over two languages and further, as an incentive, the bond between the parent and child strengthens, as the personal touch while reading out loud will always be there for the child. Further, the child’s listening and observation skills will also be boosted, which enhances the overall learning process and growth of the child. This will also become a first step in the process of ‘Learning by Doing’.

Reading out loud exercise can be continued for an extended period as it benefits the parent alike. Not only this, but early exposure to the reading newspaper at home will also inculcate and mould the reading habits amongst students and their awareness about the country, world and its happenings. In the teen years, students should be exposed to reading quietly and spending time in libraries, where books of various genres are available. This helps in faster comprehension and develop skills like speaking and writing.

Combined efforts at home as well as the school for promoting reading and developing reader skills certainly boosts the child’s overall development. While parents at home should ensure that both parents and child exchange relevant articles that they read in books, newspapers etc., teachers at school should regularly organize activities like debate, extempore which leads to the sharing of knowledge.

To sum up, reading should be continued at every stage of life in different forms. Reading makes a person complete. Global-mindedness, awareness, a better understanding of complexities, solution-oriented approach are few of the many qualities a vivid reader has and such people command a respectable position in society.

I am reading Matthew Raggett's book How Your Child Can Win In Life.
Ajay Vijayvargi, The Fabindia School

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