Thursday, August 1, 2019

Do Schools Kill Creativity: Usha Panwar

Schools by nature do not give a creative environment. Schools encourage students to conform socially, intellectually, outwardly and so on. 

Nowadays education system is killing the creativity of students. If a child tends to show his creativity, he is never praised instead demotivated. They do not get opportunities to show their creativity. 

These days education is like creating a fuel to run machinery in the form of students. Today there are many creative activities such as art, craft, music, dance etc., but these are not given attention and instead, all focus is on the main academic subjects. Because of that, a child’s creativity is being killed. There should be some measures to motivate the creativity of a child.

We should use creative skills in our classes.  In each class, these creative skills will help the children to learn better and help them to choose their future path...

The Fabindia School,

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