Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Conventional vs Contemporary Teaching

“What makes a child gifted and talented may not always be good grades in school, but a different way of looking at the world and learning.”

Education has evolved a lot in the past few decades. It has totally changed the way of imparting knowledge. The educational institutions now a day’s prefer an educator who is all-rounder, one who can not only teach the subject well but can handle young minds sensibly.

Those days are gone where the school was only Brick and Mortar, where the students use to sit in the class and learn through lectures delivered by teachers. Teaching was totally teacher-centric and the students were the passive learners.

As the world has changed, schools now a day’s prefer to be different from the crowd. They want to prepare the young ones for facing the upcoming challenges of their life. Educators are more dynamic, interactive and empathetic. They impart knowledge by giving opportunities to the students to learn by doing different things. This helps them to develop their critical thinking.

“The role of a teacher is to create the conditions for invention rather than providing
ready-made knowledge”

– Understanding  Icons
The Iconic School Bhopal
The Educators at The Iconic School are reading Kavita Ghosh’s Book for the Level II of the Learning Forward India three-year Professional Learning Program. 

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