Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Experience meets Excellence

Join me at the Global Educators Fest 2019
Dr. (Ms.) GunmeetBindra, Principal, Welham Boys’ School, an alumnus of the Delhi School of Economics and Calcutta University, is the first woman to head a boys’ boarding school in India.
An accomplished educationist with over 30 years of experience in teaching and school administration, Dr.Bindra has held many coveted positions including member of the CBSE Governing Body, as well as the CBSE Affiliation Committee. She is also the British Council School Ambassador in India and a member of the Board of Trustees of the International Boys’ Schools Coalition (IBSC), as the current Vice President of the IBSC-Asia Pacific region.
The numerous awards conferred upon Dr. Bindra include the CBSE National Award in 2014 presented by the President of India, the Bharat Vidya Vibhushan Puraskar presented by the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, the Pride of Doon Award by the Doon Citizens Council, presented by the Governor of Uttarakhand, the Rajiv Gandhi Education Excellence Award, the Uttarakhand Ratan Award, Outstanding Achievement  Award 2016 for Education and Social Leadership and the National Award for Instructional Leadership in the Principals’ category of the awards at the NDTV-Educomp Education Awards 2016.
Under Dr Bindra’s leadership, Welham Boys’ School was recognized as the No.1 rank in the parameter for ‘Education Management and Leadership’ in a survey conducted by Education World magazine and C-Fore, for the Education World India School Rankings Awards for three years consecutively, i.e., 2016, 2017and 2018.
Dr Bindra has been a consistent achiever since her school and college days, President of Indraprastha College Students’ Union, Finance Secretary, Spic Macay, Delhi Chapter and Secretary of the B.Ed. Society, recipient of the Cadbury’s Award for the Best All-Rounder in school and the ‘The Most Versatile Student’ Award in college. Dr Bindra was captain of her school and college Hockey teams and was also selected for the Indian Hockey team at the Indian Women’s team camp besides being a swimming champion.
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