Tuesday, June 4, 2019

RP Devgan: Draft NEP 2019

Draft Education Policy 2019

Finally, there is a deep concern for falling numbers among Science Research Scholars.

In a Nation where the majority of students studying Science at the Secondary level study it with no passion or love for it but just because certain careers demand it.No wonder there is a shortage of Research Scholars, it is inevitable. We have to change the way Science is taught at the Middle School level.

To make students curious and excited Science has to be taken from the Classrooms to the laboratories and Outdoors. At present, it is all theory and no application. By the time Children reach the Higher Secondary level, there should be a fair amount of students who show a passion for it, passion enough to commit themselves for Higher studies and eventually Research.

If Education is to have any chance of giving to the Society intelligent, compassionate and considerate human beings then the thousands of Institutes thriving on Tuitions must go, be banned. Kota is a great example as are the Major Private Institutions preparing students for IITs and Medical Colleges. These Institutions have started targetting children from Class 6 by offering them Scholarships.

It's just the opposite of holistic education a child needs. It's dose after dose, day in and day out of theory in packed classrooms. Children don't get to see the light of day.No reading, no exercise but just making a beeline to qualify for the entrance examination. We have started producing neurotic Children who have no childhood. Many children who cannot take the pressure and stress get into a depression and the thought of failure drives some to suicide.

It's about time the Government does something to stop this tuition racket and its mercenaries running it.

Mr Rajinder Pal Devgan, Chairman of Learning Forward India. 
Email rpdevgan@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. Well said sir, we should approach science as project-based learning in middle school and make students more independent in their thinking and problem-solving. Logic must be taught too at middle school. Logic and reasoning are essential to keep students creativity alive.


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