Monday, May 20, 2019

“When I am teaching at my best, I am like a _________ .”

When I am with my Angels I am like a  mother to them helping them to grow up to be good human being taking care of all there needs with love kindness and patience being with them is a joy and a privilege  I wish all my little angels to have a  bright future ahead. - Corrine  Gomes

When I am teaching at my best I am like a mother. I do not only impart bookies knowledge but also teach good manners.  I try to inculcate good values in these children. I want them to feel loved and wanted in this home away from home. Sincerely hope that I make them grow up to good human beings. - Deepa Kharga

When I am teaching at my best, I feel like a programmer. I try to program the teaching and events in a much simplified manner. For me, teaching is like coding a program which is to be done in a proper way to get the best output. - Arvind Jha

When I am teaching at my best I feel like an "Architect", who design, develop and construct a house to provide the maximum utility of space and make the living happy and comfortable. Similarly, my job is somewhat like an architect who is in "man making industry". I design, develop and construct the study programme to cater the needs of every individual in my classroom, provide them with the maximum utility of space to grow, derive the maximum out of them, develop sense ownership and responsibility, living behind a memorable and happy moment. - Rakesh Kumar Das

When I'm with my boys, I play the role of a father, a brother and a guide, where they feel free to share their feeling, thoughts and difficulties so that I may be able to guide them in the right path to be well behaved and make them a good human being. I Ralston Hurley a pastoral member taking care of boys from classes 9 & 10. - Ralston Hurley

The post is inspired by Palmer Parker's work Courage To Teach.


  1. Thanks, for sharing this post with us.

  2. This is really a great post! I would share this post with team members of student answering service a platform for students, teachers, and other for people to discuss their thoughts and experiences on learning and other topics.


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