Saturday, May 11, 2019

Shomie Das on Education

The term education encompasses a whole gamut of experimental learning which, in a school, is given through teachers in the classroom and often, more importantly, outside. It is the nature of the experience and how it is designed to be imparted that makes the difference between a good school and an ordinary school.

How are the academic subjects taught and what is it a school should teach outside academic subjects?

There are three important functions, among others, of the educational process in the classroom apart from mere learning:
- To develop problem-solving abilities.
- To develop creative abilities, and
- To develop curiosity and an inquisitive spirit.

Does the school have systems of teaching and learning that encourage the development of the above? For instance, through assignments, seminars and project work? What place does the library have in the learning process? In the assessment systems used by the school, how much emphasis is given to marks?

Often the opportunities for learning outside the classroom are greater, through sports and games and other activities like adventure sports, dramatics and community service. All play an important role in developing character and citizenship. A good school will provide a balance of opportunities in its curriculum to allow a student to develop along with his or her special interests and talent.

Shomie Das, a renowned educationist
Thank you, Shomie Das Sir, we have come a long way in our quest for My Good School!

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