Friday, May 10, 2019

Principal's Letter To The Parents - May 2019.

Dear Parents and Stakeholders,

As we begin the summer vacation after today, I would like to share a few thoughts with you all.

1. Just a few days back, we have seen the results of the CBSE Class X and XII. This year all students have performed exceptionally well in terms of marks scored. We have been congratulating the toppers and the 'high" scorers. In this rat-race for marks, we forget to appreciate those that have put in their exceptional best but have not made it to the top list. They are the ones who deserve the real appreciation, because they are not so talented academically, but have put in extra hard work and have managed to complete the race! Parents and teachers of such students should encourage them and acknowledge their hard work.

2. Learning is a lifelong experience and every day of our lives we come across new experiences, which teaches us a lot about life skills. Learning is not only theoretical studies but also practical living skills which prepare us to deal with life in the long run. Help your child to develop an attitude of openness to learning from life experiences and to develop the skills for future life. Motivate them to learn from mistakes and start afresh.

3. There are no short-cuts to life and nothing is free. Let us teach our children to go through life in its fullest form; every step is essential, they cannot take short-cuts! Often we do things at home and around, where we want to avoid essential procedures in order to get to the end; those are the short-cuts and we expose our children to the culture of short-cuts which is eroding all moral values in our society today.

We cannot compromise with moral values, we cannot overlook them. We are collectively responsible for the quality of our future generation. Let us not spoil their future by teaching them unlawful methods of bypassing systems and values. Integrity and honesty are more rewarding in life than achieving success through short-cuts!

Have a great vacation with your kids and use every opportunity to make them learn from situations. That is way more beneficial than all that the textbooks can teach!

with my very best wishes


Extract from a circular sent by Dr Jayanta Biswas, our Associate to his school students!

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