Sunday, December 16, 2018

Dr Tazeen Siddiqui: Love a little Extra at all Times...

When a child get depressed, sad, aggressive,quite, impatient, careless  etc we all give an Extra attention to the child and extra love too for getting the child back in the right direction of hope, acceptance, peace, satisfaction and motivated to lead with confidence and excellence but  we often shift the Extra attention when the child Behaviour changes into positivity and  become relaxed but on contrary the conditions and situations in which we need to pay equal attention, support and love are not just negative conditions but we need it in positive conditions as well like when ...

your Teenager starts to comb his hair a little extra...

When your son starts to get dressed a few minutes extra...
When your son begins to dream and respond a little late...
When your son starts to be more excited in the day a little extra...
When your son starts to hide his bag in a secret place immediately after coming from school...
When your son eats in haste and cleans his study table by putting everything in the right place to keep you away from it...
When your Teenager starts to clean shoes before leaving a little extra...
When your Teenager comes to you and returns without speaking...
When your Teenager put his head on your lap a little extra...
When your Teenager smiles when alone a little extra...
When your teenagers don't look into your eyes when u interact...
When your son stammers a little extra while interacting...
When your son gets fidgety while interacting...

.......Extra attention not just in negative situations we need it in positive situations too as Love has to be showered equally in both the conditions...

Tazeen Siddiqui, an educationist and a trainer 

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