Monday, September 25, 2017

Role of teachers in 21st century

The reading, writing, designing etc is well taken by the new technology but what it can never replace is the touch of the mother that a child feels comfortable and relaxed in his mind and heart with his teacher, the child cry on 1 st day of school because he searches the mother in his teacher but after a week or so the child stops crying because he finds his mother in his teacher and start to share his journey of exploring things, feeling and confusion with the beautiful comfort zone of love and care, 

The latest technology can give a rose graphics, animations  but cannot give the fragrance of rose and the touch of softness that gives a child soothing effect of presence of life, The technology helps a child in creating the best of the creations by its software but can't replace the holding of teachers hands gradually moving the fingers of child to make a boat and clap, smile to motivate the best creation made with immense love and togetherness. Technologies are useful and make things easily accessible but Teachers drive the Thoughts to make this journey inspiring, happy and motivating to rise and excel. Technology gives a child mind of creation and Teachers give child wings of passion to create a mind and heart of Excellence.

Technology is new era of innovation and teachers are the source of channelizing Thoughts to Innovations. No technology can ever replace a teacher because Technology can get virus but teachers are ever ready to face the new challenges to rise over all things.

~ Ms Tazeen Siddiqui is Managing Director, Mansha Educational society. Her email address is

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