Tuesday, August 29, 2017

5 little known factors that could affect your school's performance

As a busy educator, you have hundreds of things to complete in a short amount of time and you also need to ensure that your students are performing well.Though there are several factors that pose a high impact on the academic performance of your school, the most critical are below:

Learning Facilities
School facilities can have a profound impact on both teacher and student outcomes.  Advanced learning technologies like mobile lessons, e-books, smart class boards, virtual and game-based learning are becoming more and more popular.

Although, these technologies could not be followed by a majority of schools due to limited financial support, a basic digital learning environment that keeps students engaged and make your classroom interactive would be adequate.

A good attendance system supports quality learning and creates conditions for staff and students to work together effectively which will reflect in all round result of the school performance.There is a strong correlation between attendance and attainment. Missing out on lessons will leave children vulnerable to falling behind in class.

Individual and overall absences are to be monitored on a regular basis with the help of a suitable attendance management system. Pulling the attendance details weekly and analyzing the class-wise attendance will help in identifying the main reasons for absences and discuss any further action.

Parent teacher communication
Parent engagement has long been believed as one of the important factors of a student’s success. Being updated daily on their child’s homework assignments and upcoming tests is probably the best feature that parents can use to keep track of their children’s’ attainment. It is always convenient to have a mobile app that parents can use at any time to facilitate the communication.

A growing number of schools are turning to mobile applications to communicate and collaborate with parents who want to know what's happening in class and how their students are performing.

Individual performance
Tracking Individual student progress is an integral and essential part of learning cycle.Firstly, you need to set goal/target for each student. Then communicate this and systematically update the status. Use this data to chart the progress of individual and entire class progress on the learning goal. Here is an interesting article that shows how exactly can you track individual performances.

School management system
An effective school management software can help you in multiple ways. It can connect your teachers and staffs located at multiple campuses and help plan your lessons easily. Moreover, attendance and performance tracking will assist you in analyzing student improvement areas and discuss action plans to address those needs. Equipped with a mobile app, it can also help improve parental engagement which could contribute to better results.

~ Aparna V Nair, Creative Content Writer, Akira Software Solutions (P) Ltd.

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