Monday, July 10, 2017

7 signs you should invest in school ERP

With the rising number of new school management software in the market and the growth of advanced technologies, schools are doubtful of what an ERP can really do for them. For this reason, many schools give up investing in ERP without even lifting the benefits. However, if your school has the condition to honour the investment adjusting to its cash flow, it is worth raising the benefits and see the returns that this decision could bring. 
Here are seven signs that indicate your school a School Management Software:
1. You don’t know where to find the information
It could be the basic information of a student or the financial details of the entire institution. Are you able to find this information in a timely manner? If not, your school information system needs an immediate change to do your job effectively. 
2. You spend endless hours on creating lesson plans
How much time does your teacher spend on planning lessons? If it is taking more time than usual, then it will soon cut down the productivity of your teachers and students. An effective timetable management system can simplify your job and the teachers can focus more on teaching.
3. You are under stress of duplication, confusion, balancing multiple systems.
Do you often switch between applications because your data is stored across multiple systems? Reports can take more time and generate errors due to duplication of data. Avoid confusions and save time on your reporting by switching to a completely integrated school management system.
4. Data security is a nightmare
With various policies and laws governing data usage and usage, you need to ensure that your school data is used fairly, lawfully and for specifically stated purposes. If you think your data security is at risk, then move to a cloud based system which allows you to control how you use your data throughout your school. 
5. You are struggling to meet your enrollment targets
Are you facing problems with admissions? Lower student intake gives parents a feeling that the school is at risk of closure. But don’t worry, you can boost student enrollment rates by streamlining your admission process. Here is an interesting case study of how MI College has done it. The trick is quite simple, move to a better school management platform where your marketing and sales teams can collaborate and perform effectively.
6. Low level of parental engagement
Parental engagement is important for bridging the gap between pupils, teachers and parents. Regular and reliable communication between the school and pupils’ families is the key to establish a better school-home partnership.  Invest in an automated messaging system and start sharing important information with the wider school community.
7. Your overall school results are declining
Is your school facing falls in pupils’ results? Do you have a system to track individual student progress? Well, all you need to do is to use the right software for student evaluation and assessment. Tracking attendance, test scores and behaviour can significantly boost pupils’ results.
~ Aparna V Nair, Creative Content Writer, Akira Software Solutions (P) Ltd.

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