Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Taking My Learning Forward

When we work with partner schools, our challenge is 'what will be life after the consulting/training is over? How will the Educators keep up the 'learning'? How will we take learning forward? This is why we created 'Learning Forward', a platform for Educators, where you take charge of your learning and development. You set up your WFSGs (Whole Faculty Study Groups) and move on to build Action Teams, this is how the PLCs work and take charge of their learning. As students need remedial/tuitions to supplement their classroom learning, we need to support the Eductors with enhanced learning, as it is often said that 'teachers who do not keep up with technology, will be replaced by teachers who do!' Yes, you must keep moving up the learning curve, and when we complete our Development Plan of three years with any institution, we have to make sure that you take charge of your learning. Please do not go into a ' withdrawal syndrome'. Our students move on, but we as teachers must keep up our relentless pursuits, often the most thankless job. It is important that you understand that your 'guru' or 'mentor' is always with you, the 'empathy' and 'trust' must go beyond generations and we must continue to build our learning communities.
Thought of this today, as we have worked across the length and breadth of the country and overseas, we find that there is no organisation like 'Learning Forward', where 'YOU' the Educator is empowered to take charge of your own learning, and there is a strong bond between the Educators, which will always be there to help you deliver better! As we work to build Learning Forward, as a stakeholder each of you has rights and duties; and must commit to two basic tenements: 1. You will find time for your personal and professional development; and 2. We will stay together as Professional Learning Association to help schools deliver better. #LearningForwardIndia
- Sandeep Dutt, a humble servant of the Educators in far off places! Email SchoolEducation@Outlook.com, for more about Learning Foward, visit www.SchoolEducation.com

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