Monday, August 22, 2016

Cyber Security Training

Children are exposed to iPhones, Tablets, Mobile Phones and other computing devices and technologies. Usage has increased, rather we have become entirely dependent on technology.  Computers are the necessity now for everyone from a school going child to a college student and parents also. The Internet revolutionised the communication, but our country’s youth must know about how to access information safely. The need of the hour is to spread awareness about cyber security, hacking and cyber crimes and cyber law. Please go through the list if your answers are "NO" for maximum numbers of points then you need training:

1.    Side effects of social networking websites?
2.    How to secure personal information in Cyber World?
3.    Protect valuable data from unauthorised access?
4.    The Internet, its risks and benefits?
5.    How to block certain websites like youtube if required?
6.    How to use protection features offered by social networking sites?
7.    How to download software safely?
8.    Email Risks?
9.    Protect spam email?
10.  Protect from Spyware and Adware?
11.  Plus and Minus of Online Gaming?
12.  What to do if your information has been published on the internet?

Priyanka Tomar
+91-9599236395, 9810265856
Cyber Security Delhi
Linkedin - CyberSecurityDelhi

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