Friday, April 29, 2016

Empathy, a real life story

Sunil is a popular student in Class 7th of a school. You may wonder that he must be very good at studies or that he must be a brilliant sports person. He however, just a student who wants to earn a good education. Sunil is a specially abled boy who has lost motor sensation in his legs. As a result, he cannot walk, run or play like his classmates, but still he is a special student, whom the whole class loves. His classmates, who are also his closest friends, are always ready to help him with his day-to-day activities in school. Be it noting down his class work, working on his homework or any special assignments, or moving around in the school campus, he finds a helping hand close by always. Not just his fellow students, but even the teachers and other staff members of the school are quite empathetic towards his condition and they together ensure that he  doesn't find his physical condition a challenge in the pursuit of his education. His classmates want to spend time with him, talk to him, or simply fool around, as is expected of students of that age. Ali-in-all he finds a very friendly and comfortable atmosphere at school, studies are fun for him and not a burden!

Post contributed by Girja Koul, a senior teacher with decades of experience at DBN Amarvilla School in Jammu; you can contact her by email, please.

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