Friday, March 25, 2016

On Art Circle

Dear Sandeep,

I'd like to share a new web application called that our company launched recently. It's a low cost and simple-to-use platform for creative people to be able to put up their portfolio for sharing with others. It'll be great if you'd review it briefly as well as share it with anyone who could benefit.

Thanks for your help!

Best Regards,

Atul Gupta

Create . Display . Share
Setup your artsy portfolio on OnArtCircle and display your creativity and talent to the world. OnArtCirle is perfect for setting up your portfolio website and keeping your entire portfolio organized and in a single location. OnArtCircle is extremely user-friendly and very simple to use. You can practically get your web portfolio up and running in a few hours.

What You Get
Setting up your creative portfolio on OnArtCircle is a breeze, and here what all you get on this platform:
  • A variety of Design templates to choose from
  • A broad palette of color themes for your website
  • Features images for the home page with titles and descriptions
  • Unlimited content pages within a three level custom links menu
  • Events module to add your upcoming and past events
  • Testimonials or Quotes from people you value
  • Download section to categorize documents, certificates etc
  • Categorized photo gallery to add all your works
  • An FAQ section where you can put in your Q&As
  • A blog module to add your musings and writings
  • A contact management area to add your contacts
  • Social media Connects
OnArtCircle is ever evolving, and more and more features will keep getting added a platform to make it a powerful tool for creative people to share their portfolio.

Atul Gupta
Co-Founder & CEO of RedAlkemi
A serial entrepreneur started an advertising & marketing services company – Pugmarks, in early 1986. In 10 yrs, his company earned a good reputation and became a leading brand. His mission is "to create a workplace environment where we consistently improve our knowledge & innovate processes to deliver higher value to our customers."

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