Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Creating Leaders

A good leader is one who leads by example and not by just preaching. The leader should not create followers, rather create more leaders. Leaders must have the confidence to produce more leaders; one must tell his/her team that you can question me if they are wrong at any point in time. It will open up hearts and open up minds and will get the leaders food for thought, from time to time. If a leader accepts his wrong decisions and revises them he earns more respect than before among his team members and each one will be focused on achieving the set targets since it will be a common target rather than an individualistic target. The victory is celebrated by one and all equally. If a team member questions you for your wrong decision, you should take that individual as a resilient member of the team, further if you can satisfy him or change your decision in the interest of the institution, you will find stronger team emerging out of your way of taking things positively. If a person questions you, in the individual you will find your strongest team players for the future. It is only the attitude and strategy of the Leader, that leads to success.
A good leader is one who has taken everyone together but in a democratic way and not as a herd of followers and sycophants. Good leaders make their critics the biggest strength and do not defend, rather takes the feedback for introspection and uses that for goal setting and future course of action. Finally, a good leader is known for how many more leaders has he inspired and created in his course of measures and not by how many years has he been making the people follow his instructions without even questioning once.
Trilok Singh Bist
Principal, Jodhamal Public School, Jammu 
President, Sahodaya School Complex Jammu Chapter

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