Monday, June 18, 2012

Third AGM of The Gold Award Holders Society 2012

Present: GAHS Executive Committee Treasurer - Sandeep Dutt and 64 members

Observers: Programme Manager- Mr. Bivujit Mukhoty
Communications Manager/GAHS Executive Summary- Ms. Nivedita Samanta
Office Manager- Mr. Chittaranjan Das
Parents of some GAHS members

Special Invitees: Mr. Ajeet Bajaj- Gold Holder and Adventurer 

  1. About GAHS and 50 years of The International Award in India
  2. Approval of the Minutes of the last meeting held on 16th May 2011 at Lok Kala Manch, New Delhi
  3. Reappointment of the auditor and approval of audited statement
  4. Any adoption or amendments of Rules and Regulations of the Society, if necessary
  5. Any other matters- Introduction of Special Invitee and his address to the GAHS members about the importance of Gold Holders to be role models as committed citizens

1. Meeting was called to order at 1635 hours by Nivedita Samanta on behalf of GAHS President-Ishita Khanna. She proceeded to talk about the importance of GAHS, its inception to address opportunities for Gold Holders post their Gold Awards. The Gold Award Holders’ Society registered on March 8, 2010 is the premier Alumni network for Gold Holders in India. With the motto of Cherishing Service and Relationship (CSR), GAHS is an effort to create more awareness about the Award in our country and to rope in exuberant Award Holders, who feel for the Award and are keen to give back, GAHS exists for the provision, promotion and preservation of the International Award in India. GAHS will function as a completely independent set-up to assist in alumni relations and growth of the Award Programme as per the Strategic Plan of the National Office.
The GAHS has had a successful year in 2011-12 where members have represented the country at the International Gold Event in Kenya, in Israel Youth Conference and at key training and orientation events in India. 

2. Nivedita proceeeded to read the minutes the last meeting held on 16th May 2011 at Lok Kala Manch, New Delhi. Anwesha Ghosh proposed approval of the minutes and was seconded by Ajeet Bajaj. 

3. Sunil Trehan, Sunil Trehan & Co. Was approved and re-appointed as auditor for GAHS by GAHS members Dinesh Gajendran and Juzer Shaikhally. Audited statements read where the income for the GAH is only through membership fees and training expenses of members is the primary expense. 

4. Members are free to apply as ad-hoc Executive Committee members by sending in a formal request with their resumes to The Applications received so far are:
  • Anwesha Ghosh
  • Dinesh Gajendran
  • Ankit Durga
  • Shreya Ghosh
  • Shubhankar Chaudhary
  • Devanjali Dutt
  • Shubhda Hirawat
In addition, Communications Manager Nivedita Samanta who has been acting as Honorary GAHS Executive Secretary would like to move on from her term and proposed current India Rep. and GAHS Member Rajarshi Banerjee as the Nominee for the post.

5.  Any other matters:
    1. Calendar of Events available on website, GAHS Members welcome to attend any event of their choice
    2. Mr. Ajeet Bajaj was introduced as Guest Speaker for the evening. His biography is attached as an appendix to these minutes. (present in the Blog archives)
The meeting concluded with a round of applause for everyone. These minutes were made to the best of Nivedita Samanta’s knowledge and documented by Shubhda Hirawat.

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