Thursday, December 29, 2011

ASOP Gold Participants Workshop, 26 to 29 Dec 2011

four-day ASOP (Australian Sports Outreach Program) Gold Participants training workshop was organized at Tikkling Camp, Gurgaon. 25 participants from Magic Bus, NAZ Foundation, and Rashtriya Life Saving Society attended. The objective of the workshop was to train these Gold participants and to acquaint them with the Award Philosophy.

Day one was dedicated to the orientation of the Gold Award participants, acclimatization with the beautiful surrounding of the Tikkling camp, ice-breaking session and the camp craft. A session on the use of First Aid at the time of crisis by Ujjwal of RLSS was the big highlight for the day. Participants also pitched their tents themselves and were taught camp craft. Bivujit Mukhoty the Programme Manager of IAYP and a team from ICNL helped set up the camp.

On the 27th of December the Award Journey and Award Philosophy sessions conducted by Ms Raina Krishnatrey and Ms Pratibha K Singh. The morning session began by brain storming session and asking participants about the Award programme. With the help of various activities, stories, chart activities, fun games all the sessions were conducted. All four sections of the award Programme: Skills, Service, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey were explained thoroughly by providing appropriate examples and giving relevant details. Participants showed their inquisitiveness by asking questions at the end of each session. Participant gave their feedback regarding the language use, as some of them were not very comfortable with the English language. The trainers kept the feedback in mind and tried to use English and Hindi in proper proportion so as to make every participant comfortable and Award Journey understandable. Participants showed their enthusiasm not only in listening to the trainers but also in the tasks assigned to them. Some of the participants made very creative record entries which impressed the Trainers.

The sessions of day two would have been impossible without the support of Volunteers from Ansal Institute of Technology: Nivedita Parashar, Sonal Muskeen, Avi and Aviral who came all the way to enjoy and learn more about the Award Programme conducted by NAA (IAYP).
On the third day the participants with the trainers and volunteers were taken to the Aravalli Hills for the river crossing activity. This was again a great fun and enriching experience for all.

The main aim of the ASOP Project is to use sport for development and provide  sustainable livelihoods to Community Sport Volunteers (CSVs). The Award Programme Foundation and their Skills partner B-able are developing a curriculum to help the CSVs learn skills for life and provide vocational training. To develop the programme Sumiran & Sugandh of B-able conducted a half-day workshop, to showcase the Skills opportunity and work out ways to offer skills training to the Gold Award participants.

The Workshop was first of  it’s kind and helps build the delivery of the Award Programme in partner organisations, and help adult volunteers understand the needs of young people.

- report contributed by Bivujit, Pratibha and Raina.

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