Sunday, October 2, 2011

Award units need a License to operate


The Award Programme Foundation (APF), a Registered Charitable Trust registered with the Charity Commissioner in Mumbai, is licensed to run The International Award for Young People (IAYP) in India by The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award International Association (IAA) based in London.

The APF as the National Award Authority (NAA) is the only licensing body in India and has its National Office in New Delhi. All Schools, Colleges, Award Units and Operators in India must have a valid License to operate the International Award Programme. Please check your records and ensure that you have a renewed License to operate The Programme. Do contact us anytime by phone at 011 2649 7154 or by email at for further clarifications. The NAA Office is committed to assisting you and ensuring that young people in India get the best possible support while they participate in The Award Programme.

For schools who have been operating under Zonal Authorities, we recommend you to please renew your Operators License with the NAA office; so we can provide training and development support to engage and participate in events, exchanges and other activities of IAYP all over the world.

The NAA Operators’ License enables the Licensed Award Units to not only operate IAYP in their own schools, but also in the community and the society the schools exist in. This updated license is now referred to as the YES Centre license, and is issued to a Society, Trust or registered body keen to operate the Award Programme in their area of operations. For more for further information please visit our website

The NAA mandates that all Award Units and Licensed Operators use the Common Award Participation Form only. Each form has a unique number and is tracked by us. The Forms are supplied free and are to be filled and submitted to NAA India office to build up the Database Registry on the secure server, as per the IAA License needs. No one will now produce, print or distribute Award supplies, the National Office will be the exclusive licensed supplier.

For more information about YES Centres and how the Award partner institutions operate the Award Programme, please visit

Please use the new Common Participation Forms only. They are supplied by the Zones or the NAA. You may want to get some from nearest YES Centre.

Each forms must carry with it a Fee of Rs 500.00 when submitted to us; we can only accept Forms from Schools Licensed to Operate please. The Schools, who do not wish to get a License may send the Forms from the nearest YES Centre.

For any queries, clarifications, order of supplies, etc please call our Programme Manager- Mr. Bivujit Mukhoty on +91 9212233900.

If you have any doubt do call us, and we will be very happy to help.

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