Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Shraddha Jain- Gold Holder and IAYP India AV Intern shares her Award journey

My Award journey was very enjoyable! 

I started my Bronze Award in 2006 and received my Gold Award in 2011 from the Welham Girls' School, Dehradun. During this period, I experienced and participated in numerous activities, I’d never have otherwise done. I used to visit an Old-Age home regularly as a part of the Service Component of My Award. Social service moved me so much, I’m now actively involved with a group that raises funds for NGOs. 

Through my journey, or should I say, because of the Award, I discovered the skills I never knew I had. I practised movie-making and editing as a Skill for the Award. I’m using the same skill today as an intern for Award India by producing digital media to reach out to the masses.

Somewhere along the lines, I shed my insecurity and gained enough confidence. The Award is certainly the most fun way for the youth to learn the value of community work and much more! I stayed for five nights in a village in Uttaranchal where I did everything, ranging from cooking to milking the cows and working in the fields! That is probably my most memorable trip.

I am happy to contribute as much as I can to the Award. As a first year Economics Honours student at Hindu College, University of Delhi, I look forward to introducing The Award to my peers, colleagues, friends and superiors at my college.. I’d like it if every member of the youth is a Gold Holder!

- Shraddha Jain, Photo

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