Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Australian Sports Outreach Programme (ASOP) and IAYP India partner to Engage Youth in Society through Sport

Formally launched in India on 07 Oct 2010 by Australian Minister for Sport Senator- the Hon. Mark Arbib against the backdrop of the Delhi 2010 Commonwealth Games, ASOP India will use sport for development as an exciting way of strengthening relationships between Australia and India while fostering both sporting and life skills in marginalised children and youth.

Designed around the three core areas of Communicate, Connect and Collaborate, ASOP India will be implemented through five selected agencies: Magic Bus, Special Olympics Bharat, Rashtriya Life Saving Society (India), Goa Football Association and Naz Foundation (India) Trust. These organisations focus on social mobilisation through inclusive participation of disadvantaged communities in quality sport.

The 3-year IAYP India and ASOP India partnership will focus on Youth and Sports and engage the young people in ASOP Partners to participate in the Award Programme. Under the ASOP-IAYP partnership, sports coach trainers, mentors, peer leaders and volunteer community sports coaches from marginalised communities, who work with the 5 existing ASOP India partner agencies, will be facilitated to undertake the Award program, in order to incentivise and reward their spirit of volunteerism. They will undergo character and skill building experiences they would never normally encounter, leading to enhanced individual motivation. Pursuing the certified standards of bronze, silver and gold over a time span, they will grow as individuals, become better coaches and eventually qualify as IAYP trainers authorised to deliver and certify the Award program amongst the youth communities they work with, through Open Award Centres (OAC) and Youth Engaging Society (YES) Centres.

Without losing the spirit of volunteerism, the IAYP set of standards (bronze, silver, gold) involving character building activities will not only round off their existing skills, but also provide great motivation and recognition of their commitment to the young Sport Coaches. Motivating the enthusiastic Community Sports Coaches (CSCs) of the ASOP Project to engage in the Award Programme and thus be recognised for their dedication to their communities in the first year of the partnership. Special focus will be given to providing the CSCs with employment / vocational skills in their respective areas in addition to ensuring that their Expeditions and Residential Project experience is different and enriching.

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