Thursday, April 14, 2011

YES Partner Meet

IAYP India through its partnership and Open Awards Centre set in place the process of making the Award Programme available to all, and our YES Partners comprising of businesses and social organisations dedicated to this objective met on 27th August 2010 in New Delhi to strategise and develop a plan to take this ahead. Communications Intern-Ankit Durga shares the outcomes from the meeting.

Representatives from our YES Partners Akara (Chennai), EcoLogin (Chennai), FEMCO Tours (Mumbai), INME Learning (Delhi), Juniper Wings (Kolkata), Leap Adventures (Delhi), The Explorers (Mumbai) gathered at The Studio in the National Office of Delhi early morning of the 27th August. The ice-breaking activity allowed everyone to get comfortable and ready to have fun.

The Workshop opened with a presentation of the newly revamped Open Award Centre plan aka YES Project. YES stands for Youth Engaging in Society and our partners are all working together to engage young people through experiential and outdoor focussed learning. The YES Project aims to be a successful business development and Award extension initiative that mutually benefits both the respective Partner and the Award Programme. This initiative promotes social entrepreneurship of all enterprises through a licensed partnership with IAYP India. The nature of the License differs for an individual, service organisation, business and corporate bodies. After the signing of the Commercial Agreement, there is training and orientation of Award coordinators and followed up a detailed business development structure. Therefore, the YES Project ensures that the Quality of the Award is preserved and provided and promoted with complete professionalism.

The next step process to ensure Control and quality delivery is to ensure an online database management system. The India Brand Pack and an introduction of the online management tools allowed everyone to get a glimpse of the way ahead to make partnerships successful and viable.

An Online management tool will allow Participants, Assessors and Award Offices, Coordinators and Managers to get a platform for digital solutions and training. An introduction of the Award Online Management tools helped everyone understand the intuitive usability, internal messaging/news modules and finally provide the all-important feedback necessary to become the ‘Programme of Choice’ for all young Indians. In addition, the Online Management tool will allow Assessors & Licensed Operators to comply with reporting and statistical management, save long term cost and ensure brand consistency and communications.

The participants in teams drafted a business plan each to check the viability and the reliability of the YES Business Model. This exercise ‘My Business Plan’ brought up certain issues pertaining to the revenue sharing model like Realistic Pricing, Marginal Add-on benefits for the Adventure Partners and a platform for all YES partners to strengthen delivery mechanism and reach out to maximum participants. The Award and the YES Partners therefore decided to work on the model to further improve transparency, consistent pricing and mutual benefits.

After this exercise the three teams set up the revenue stream for YES Partners for building up OAC Participation, memorabilia sales and new partnerships where each respective Partner receives a percentage of Participation Sign up fee, memorabilia price, and annual licenses for every new partner introduced, respectively. The setting up of this model gives more ways and means to become a catalyst of change and help ‘equip for life’ the young of India.

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