Thursday, April 14, 2011

Role of Volunteer Training Workshops: Promote, Provide and Preserve teams in place

The Studio. 5th & 19th September 2010

The two role of volunteer training workshops brought together 28 new and existing Award Volunteers (Award Holders and Award participants) for a fun, motivating and interactive training workshop. The workshop focused on the needs and resources required by the Promote, Provide and Preserve teams to achieve the goal to touch 10,000 young Indians in the next three years. The Workshop was a great platform for the young leaders to exchange views and experiences.

The first workshop allowed the Volunteers to identify the core areas of the Promote, Provide and Preserve teams and gave them a good understanding of NAOME: the Award acronym standing for Need, Aim, Objective, Method and Evaluation. As all three teams planned their respective way ahead for the year, there was a general consensus that interaction and awareness about the Award is necessary for growth.

As the Promote team suggested sharing of personal experiences and success stories through street plays, information seminars and shows to showcase how the Award teaches Leadership, allows young people to go beyond the modern technological world and be in touch with their human sides. The Preserve team discussed ways of Programme development by addressing how the Award benefits every young person with special attention to the flexibility, career benefits and the international opportunities the Award Programme provides. Conclusively, the Provide team created a strategy to extend the Award with the creation of a pool of trained Award volunteers-young and old, and through clear monitoring guidelines for YES Centres and YES Partners to administer the Award Programme as per the fundamental principles of the Award.

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