Thursday, April 14, 2011

Regional Training Workshop, Korea 26th & 27th

IAYP India delegates attend Asia Pacific Regional Training Workshop (RTW) 2010 in Korea

24-30 October 2010, Seoul/Cheonan, South Korea

RTW 2010 with the theme of "The new rules of engagement", focussed on some of the key influences that drive, define and shape youth culture, along with practical and effective strategies when crafting messages for Generation Y and the implications for engaging Generation Y in the International Award.

The week-long workshop was attended by Australia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand and Sri Lanka and featured guest speakers/presenters Michael McQueen (The NextGen Group), Tony Hughes (AFG Ventures), Joanne Harris (International Award Association Communications Team), Dr Dr. Geunyoung Jang (National Youth Policy Institute of Korea), Taewoo Kim (Korea Youth Agency), Kelly Wood (Online Communications-Duke of Ed, Australia) and Colin Curnow.

Michael McQueen's session on the different ways of “Engaging the next generation in the Award” i.e. Generation (Gen) Y and Gen X ( those born after the 1980s) was indeed valuable. The Award equips all but it is necessary to reflect that through mediums that attract Gen Y. This includes telling more stories on video and media, through virtual communities, facilitating more international exchange programs. sharing of success stories of Award holders who are actively working in the community. Viral videos and other forms of viral marketing are key to success of extending the Award to today's young people.

Know your generation:

Builders: Born between 1900s to (mid) 1940s

Generation X: Born between Mid 1960s to Early 1980s

Baby Boomers: Born between Mid 1940s to mid 1960s

Generation Y: Born between Early 1980s to late 1900s

Generation Z- Born between Late 1900s to present

Cultural Workshop I- Traditional Tea Ceremony

Korean Delight Night I- Korean Snacks

The importance of IT for database management is crucial in the digital age today. The presentations on the Korean and Australian Online Record Book (ORB) showcased how large number of Award participants can successfully complete the Award and Award Leaders can cut down their workload by as a result of the ORB. Colin Curnow, first Award Leader to use the Australian ORB with success shared his experiences to showcase how anyone with the passion and enthusiasm can overcome technological challenges to successfully operate the ORB.

To actively engage Gen Y, it is essential for regular Award Leaders training and engagement. Tony Hughes' session on Award Leaders online training justly addresses the challenge to keep Award Leaders actively connected. Online communications has never played a more crucial role for the growth of the International Award and social media ranks very high here. By implementing we hope that the strategies from the alliance groups will go a long way in forging an invincible way ahead.

Cultural Workshop II- Taekwondo+Aerobics
Korean Delight Night II- Tasting different kinds of Tea

The RTW 2010 Alliance Groups created strategies on Online Award Management, Online Communications, Award Leader E-Training and Cultural Exchanges, respectively. The outcomes and recommendations from the four RTW Alliance Groups formed per above will provide input to the Regional planning process, the National Directors Strategic Alliance Forum II and the Regional Board Meeting.

Much appreciation to hosts Korea Youth Work Agency team! We hope that the strategies to better engage the younger generations will help build the Award further in the region. To know more about the RTW, ask us for a detailed report.

Open Awards Centre Leader- Devanjali Dutt, “RTW allowed me to engage with people from all generations. In addition, as an Award Leader who also is a Gen Y, I agree that a comprehensive online strategy is necessary to truly market the Award to the my generation and I look forward to working with the Regional Alliance Group.”

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