Sunday, March 20, 2011

YES News monthly launched

What is Youth Engaging Society (YES)?

Youth Engaging Society or YES is the way to go for fostering youth involvement in our country. The YES movement allows schools, colleges and Award units in different parts of the country to open their walls to the community around them. This allows integration of youth energy from the society through participation in the Award Programme.

We would like to welcome all our Award Operators in India, to work with us to further the goals of The Award Programme, and work to ‘Equip for Life’, young people in our society. IAYP today connects young people from all walks of life; the well off schools, the colleges, the social organisations, business and voluntary bodies, all work to help youth engage effectively with society. The four sections of Adventure, Service, Skills, Sports and Residential Projects for Gold all have the society at the core, and thus this campaign for YES.

Award Programme Foundation Trust operates the IAYP in India and aims to make this a premier youth programme for inclusive social development, as per the aims of the National Youth Policy. The Award Programme is delivered to the schools through our partner Zones, for more do visit our website

To celebrate the spirit of the youth and help build The Award Programme, the National Award Authority (NAA) works to promote, provide and preserve The Programme. The NAA Office was set up in 2010 and has since been working tirelessly to raise the profile of IAYP, publishing Award India, e-newsletter The Award Weekly, road shows and events. We now introduce the monthly YES News for our Operating Units and partners. The monthly A4 single sheet, will focus on highlighting the new systems and help administer the IAYP more effectively, keeping in mind the needs of quality with a quest for numbers too. The Programme is open to young people from 14 to 25 years of age, without any discrimination.

We will be happy to receive feedback and share resources with the Award Units and Partners, please do write in to us, and most important do keep up the volunteer spirit to help build the trust of the youth in India.

Sandeep Dutt
National Director

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