Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bharti Enterprises and Foundation to partner with IAYP India

At a recent meeting with Mr. Rakesh Bharti Mittal- Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Bharti Enterprises, the National team discussed opportunities to collaborate with the many initiatives of the Bharti Enterprises, one of India's largest business groups and Bharti Foundation- the social arm of the business giant. Mr Mittal, also Trustee of Award Programme Foundation and Co-Chairman of the Bharti Foundation, strongly believes that young people 'are' and 'will' lead social development in India and education is key to this growth.

'Equip for Life' with the Bharti Foundation:

Bharti Foundation implements education programs in primary and higher education to help both holistic and academic development of underprivileged children and youth across the rural pockets of India. All educational programs initiated by Bharti Foundation aim to make to a difference in the lives of thousands of underprivileged children and youth, allowing them to become employable citizens of the future and contribute to the economic growth of the community. The primary school program is designed to teach students to explore, question, reason and communicate effectively. This helps them connect with their own community and stay rooted to their local culture. The senior school program will train students in vocational skills to help them emerge as employable citizens and contribute to community development. [1] Know more about The Bharti Foundation.

This exciting partnership will allow young Awardees to connect with the Bharti Foundation 'Satya Bharti School Programme' reaching out to 237 villages with over 30,000 children [48% of which comprise of the girl child] in addition to empowering the young people in the Satya Bharti Schools through the Award Programme in the days to come.

Engage and Reward Young Employees at Bharti Enterprises:

The Award Programme fits into Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resources Development Initiatives of companies. Bharti Enterprises has come a long way from 'humble beginnings' of a bicycle component manufacturer to a global business conglomerate made possible through the dynamic entrepreneurial leadership and professional leadership of their people.This combination of the ‘P-E Balance’ or the ‘Professional-Entrepreneurial Balance’ creates

a value system encompassing Entrepreneurship, Respect for All, Passion for Performance, Teamwork and Building Collaborative Partnerships. [2]

Through the Award Programme Bharti Enterprises hopes to give to their young employees a chance to build their expertise and create a rewarding work environment for them. We certainly look forward to working together!

[1] Philosophy of Bharti Group of Companies

[2] Work Culture at Bharti

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