Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Purkal Youth Development Society - Creating change agents in Rural India

The Purkal Youth Development Society (PYDS) is a registered charity dedicated to enhancing the lives of disadvantaged rural youth through education and empowering women through skill development.

The PYDS program dates back to 1998, when GK Swamy first started tutoring four young students in English and Mathematics in his home. Mr. Swamy with his friends found several sponsors who were willing to fund their formal education and these four children were enrolled into a local English Medium Secondary School. The number of children seeking help swelled and in 2001, 29 students were participating in the sponsorship scheme and coming to Mr. Swamy’s house after school.

Formally launched in 2003, PYDS has grown rapidly and today has over 215 children under its care. Accommodation has moved from the Swamy’s house to a custom-built school campus in 2005.

PYDS provides young people in the rural community around to quality education, mentoring and learning, thus providing hope and control to become of transformational change in their society. This simple effort to provide at least these few underprivileged young people a healthy learning environment, no different from that available at many good schools in India. Young people get a sense of self – esteem and confidence to learn and excel, realize that poverty is nothing to be ashamed of and that they should respect and honor the culture and parentage that they come from. By helping them develop their inner talents and build confidence in their self, PYDS allows young people to overcome such barriers and reach their potential.

PYDS and Young adults: PYDS are committed to helping young adults discover talents and in providing for college education and work experience. Through vocational training and english speaking classes, PYDS successfully provides young adults to acquire knowledge and professional skill to leading professionals in the global market place.

PYDS believes that by strengthening capacities of young peoplethe youth in the community, generations of educated and healthy families can be created in the rural Uttaranchal region.

Most of the parents in this community are barely literate. None of them, even the wealthy few in the village, have had the advantage of a good education. They have therefore little idea of what education means and what it can do to change lives. Sadly, few parents are involved with the lives of their children. In this scenario, we are attempting to provide the example and mentorship that educated parents of successful children provide their children.

We believe that the capability of the families and the community also has an influence on the shaping of the individual. Highly educated and well-placed family and community members can raise the aspirations of future generations. They also act as mentors and role models, and can provide the influence that is often required to help their community access services and a good standard of living. The absence of these influences has made a significant difference in career achievements in this poor community.

Click know what young people at PYDS have to say.

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