4th February, Scindia School, Gwalior
Sandeep Dutt addressed young people at the Junior Regional Round Square Conference on 'Friends Everywhere' in the famous Scindia School, Gwalior as Keynote Speaker. His talk set the right tone for the conference and lifted the standard to a very high level. The delegates were inspired by his inputs emotionally and intellectually.
The Junior Regional Round Square Conference brings together young people from different schools together for discussion, planning and engaging in issues. Seeds of Peace- an organisation that takes on warring nations and makes their children work together, highlighted the need to promote 'friendship among young people' irrespective of any biases. This year's conference focussed on this issue and the young delegates came up with a comprehensive plan to overcome all barriers.
Sandeep's keynote address preceded the presentation by Seeds of Peace and highlighted how friends are of all ages, colour, sizes and culture. Few (less fortunate ones specially) do not get to taste friendships because the young people from better circumstances or backgrounds may avoid them for various reasons. It is imperative to reach out to them! There are very high profile people who sit lonely on the pinnacle of their achievements. People are in awe of such people as a result no one reaches out to them and they remain lonely.
The only way to move ahead with any learning is to build communication links and win hearts. Yes, as humans one needs to be compassionate and live in a community, the only way to live as a good society is to bind with the heart. We need to explore and find ways to reach out and build friends forever. The near future seems exciting, as the young people gather to find new friends and build on the strengths of the society.
He encouraged the young delegates to address the challenge and will need to find friends first, and then have them with you forever by looking at making connections with parents, teachers, peers, Seniors, People with challenges, Icons or Stars and finally 'Yourself as a friend'. True leaders are also great friends, how the President of US, or our great leaders connect with us and influence the destiny of millions, are indeed ways of literally befriending us. We have a picture of many individuals within us and consider them as friends and feel connected with them. Yes the 7 ways to above are not the end, but the beginning to help you think, and evolve as better friends.
“ To have a good friend. You have to be one. So be nice to one another. So you can be friends forever.”
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