Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How the Award Programme works

Simplified version of the License guidelines:

1. Award Unit - are Schools only under License from Zones as per their fee and charges.

2. Special Project - NAA, annual renew at Rs. 1000.00 per year; MOU Generic, simple SP Operator License and support from NAA. This will build inclusive participation.

3. Social Sector - Rs. 10,000.00 per year; MOU Generic and NLO, will operate and give Awards. Work with NAA only e.g. YES Centres, for growing participation.

4. Business Partner - Rs. 25,000.00 per year; MOU (detailed), provide service, products and will register OAC Participants only. Work in their city and geographic area only. YES Partners, more for marketing and brand.

5. Corporate Partner - Rs. 35000.00 per year, MOU detailed, NLO will operate nationally, register participants and give Awards as Licensed operators.
Work like YES Centres but multi-city.

Subject to change and Terms & Conditions of the IAA. Implemented in India under License of APF by the NAA.

For more please email ai@iayp.in
Award Programme Foundation

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