Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Draft Volunteer Conduct Agreement

NAA means National Award Authority, and the NAA India office is in New Delhi, contact Nivedita for further information. Call us now +91 11 26497154/ 26493400

The draft Volunteer Conduct Agreement reads as follow:-

Throughout the world the Award is reliant on the hard work, commitment and dedication of volunteers.  It is volunteers who, for the most part, deliver the Programme to young people and act as instructors and supervisors for the different activities.  Without volunteers the Award could not operate. When working with volunteers, NAAs should undertake the following steps:

·         A description of the role must be written and agreed with the volunteer.
·         Relevant references must be taken up and the equivalent of a Criminal Records Bureau check must be carried out, where possible. 
·         All volunteers must undergo an induction into the organisation. 
·         The necessary volunteer conduct agreement should be signed.
·         Training should be provided where necessary to enable the volunteer to carry out their role.
·         A highly supportive level of supervision and management must be carried out with regular meetings to review progress.
·         A proper ‘thank you’ needs to be made at the end of the project and the appropriate handover undertaken.

It is important that no document sets out ‘rights’ or ‘obligations’ nor gives the volunteer employment rights. It is also important to include expectations of the volunteer and of the organisation in the role profile.

Recognition of Achievements
NAAs should present adults involved in the Award, certificates in recognition of outstanding service to the Award. The certificate should be signed by the chairman or president of the NAA, or their nominated representative.

The success of the Award has depended largely on the extent to which people have helped with its organisation, development, promotion, operation, and assessment. Meritorious service of this nature can be acknowledged by the award of a certificate recording such recognition. Emphasis should be on outstanding service over a significant period of time; the presentation of a certificate should never be regarded as automatic.

Minimum Service
The minimum time involvement should normally be at least 3, 5 or 10 continuous years, though there may be exceptional cases when a shorter period of service would be worthy of recognition, or where breaks in service could be taken into account.

The judgement of outstanding service must inevitably be subjective, but considerable involvement of an individual's own free time to the undoubted benefit of a number of young people, is the basic criterion. Evidence is also required of positive advancement of the Award’s aims and philosophy. The person should have demonstrated superior efforts and initiatives during his or her period of involvement with the Award and is expected to have shown exceptional ability, reliability and results in one or more fields related to its operation.

Future Commitment
The presentation of a certificate of recognition is not merely a reward for meritorious past service, though that is a necessary condition, but a point at which exceptional talent, initiative and diligence have been recognised at the highest level, and beyond which nominees are expected to commit themselves to further efforts on behalf of the Programme and its participants.

Nominations should be made to national Award offices. The presentation of the certificates is at the discretion of the national Award committee or board.

There will be many categories of persons eligible for nomination, including Award advisers, long-standing chairpersons and members of Award committees and panels, members of expedition panels, unit co-ordinators, leaders and organisers, and instructors and assessors of Award activities.

Wherever possible, an appropriate occasion (for example, a local Award presentation) should be chosen for the recipient to be presented with the Certificate of Recognition.

Role Profile Format

Role title:

Reports to:

Method of reporting: (eg to whom; how often and how)


Objectives of role: (including but not restricted to geographic area, specific projects and outcomes)

Specific responsibilities and actions required:


The NAA will provide: (eg equipment, invitations to meetings, funding, expenses, secretarial support etc)


Date and by whom
Role agreed

References taken up

Criminal Records Check carried out (where possible)

Induction undertaken

Volunteer conduct agreement signed

Training undertaken

Supervision and management process agreed

Thanks given

Handover completed


In consultation with [Representative’s Name] of [NAA Name] in [country], I accept these terms and undertake that I will:

1.       Exercise due care and diligence in carrying out my role and responsibilities
2.       Comply at all times with the requirements of the [NAA Name] and with all applicable laws relevant to fulfilling my obligations to the [NAA Name]
3.       Consult to undergo a police and/or reference and/or background checks when requested by [NAA Name]
4.       Undertake training and meet accreditation requirements, as appropriate
5.       Respect the privacy of persons served by the [NAA Name] and hold in confidence private and personal information collected by the [NAA Name]
6.       Immediately advise the [NAA Name] of any matter of which I am involved that has or could lead to a criminal conviction
7.       Advise the [NAA Name] of any officer or employee of the [NAA Name], or any assessor, instructor or volunteer involved in the management and/or delivery of the [NAA Name] who I believe has acted in a way which may be detrimental to the good name of the [NAA Name]
8.       In carrying out my role and responsibilities for the [NAA Name] I agree to:
·         Represent the Award with professionalism and be responsible for conducting myself with courtesy and appropriate behaviour
·         Conduct myself in a respectful manner, exhibit good conduct and be a positive role model
·         Display respect and courtesy for participants, other volunteers, staff, contractors and property
·         Provide a safe environment by not harming youths or adults in any way whether through discrimination, sexual harassment, physical force, verbal or mental abuse, neglect or other harmful actions
·         Work cooperatively as a team member with the employees of the Award and other volunteers
·         To follow through and complete accepted tasks
·         To copy and distribute materials only for the purposes of the Award and will not use them without the prior written consent of the [NAA Name]
·         Not use those materials in any way which would bring [NAA Name] into disrepute
·         That once my appointment with the Award ends,  I will immediately stop all use of the materials
·         That any improvements or developments or new versions of the materials, including new materials I create based on or incorporating them, belong to [NAA Name] and I assign all rights, including intellectual property rights to [NAA Name]

The NAA agrees to:

1.       Explain the rights and responsibilities of volunteers
2.       Provide support,  supervision and training to enable volunteers to undertake their roles
3.       Respect my privacy  and hold in confidence private and personal information collected by the [NAA Name]
4.       Treat volunteers with respect in line with equal opportunity requirements


The [NAA Name] has provided me with a description of my role and responsibilities, and the requirements and fundamental principles of the Award which I have read and understand. I will comply with all these requirements.

I am aware of my obligations as outlined in this document and that my appointment as an [instructor/assessor/volunteer] in relation to the Award may be terminated as a result of any breach by me of the undertakings in this document.

I agree to the above terms.

Volunteer name: _______________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________



Volunteer signature: _____________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________

Representative of NAA signature: __________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________

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