Monday, June 8, 2009

7th of June 2009 from the sunny side down under... Australia!

Monday, June 8, 2009

9 Point Action Plan...

Celebrating in Sydney; there to attend the National Director induction programme, and Sue Walker the Regional Director is mentoring the new National Directors of Bangladesh and India.

Weekly update as on Sunday the 7th of June 2009

1. Working Groups- Not much progress this week.

2. Exchange initiatives -Sourajit has had no luck with the; please do work on this with your Zonal Team and the schools.

3. IT Initiative – the Blog and the Facebook features have been activated. The IAYP website now has been updated for the new Contacts and useful links
In Place and Priyank is controlling all from the Book Cafe IT and Management Centre, in Dehradun, India.

Good developments - Devyani doing her bit with good support from Malini and the volunteers. First Award participant enrolled by Devyani on Monday the 1st on June, first day first show. Rhea too joined the volunteer group of Vedika, Zoya, Jyoti all set to build the centre. In July will have an orientation; post admission in the Delhi University, appoint representatives from each college and this will be the build up of a great Award network in Delhi and a first in India; at a National level.

5. Zonal offices – will all be doing their bit to build up the teams and infrastructure. No Update

6. The National Office in Delhi is operational. Manish Kumar of Book Cafe joined in and will be available on +91 11 26497154, and on the Award Office phone + 91 11 64662720; as I am away to Australia, email him on

The address is:
The International Award for Young People
Book Cafe, 86/A Shahpur Jat,Khel Gaon Marg, New Delhi 110049, India
Phone: +91 11 64662720
Fax: +91 11 26497165

The Award Centre doubles up as a training area for the Book Cafe

7. Alumni network; Rohit has got going with the Award alumni group.

The database filler is on online too, we have 18 active Award holders in the group and will make this 100 this month. 23 Active members now, and we are moving up, the links are now on the Contact Us page of

The Chaiman Suren Govil visited the office and had a discussion with Sandeep on the perspective plan and breifing for Australia.

8. Branding and corporate communication; meetings …
Hero Mindmine Ltd - Col Sant Bhimwal the head of Social Projects invited Sonia and myself; the Hero group will become an operator and supporter too.

JCB meeting to make the blueprint for the partnership.

In the coming week meeting Hero Mindmine and JCB.

Dr. Sanat Kaul working with the Delhi Goverment and the Award Programme will be partnering with the Award in India.

9. Programme to hinterland is happening too in the North – Safron Public Schools evenced interest, Malini taking this ahead. Neen other Zones to build up and take the cue... now near 375 schools and hope to reach 500 Award Centres in 2010

8th June 2009

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